What you are about to read and see is the culmination of 20 years of research into the mysteries of Mars. We present you with the evidence. It will show that Mars was inhabited at one time. Mars may still be inhabited by some form of intelligence. Irregardless of the facts, Mars remains an enigma to this day.
This object buried (left) is what is referred to as a Mars UFO. This accounts for many of the unknown objects found in and around the planet. It is just one of the many images that we have collected over the years. The Mars UFO story details the fascinating discovery and evolution of our research into this perplexing issue. Is this evidence of intelligent life on Mars? We present the information and you decide!
Click here for NASA cover-up using blocking frames.
Biblical texts suggest that the earth was visited by space men that came to earth and interbred with Earth women. The archeological record contains evidence of a highly advanced civilization that existed long before recorded history. This is what academia does not want you to know about our "pre-historic" record.
Another word for Mars is Egypt. Unravel the mysterious connection between the pyramids of
Giza (Earth) and the plains of Cydonia (Mars). No one can explain the mysterious power emanating from a pyramid shape and its purpose or function. Could it be possible that these pyramids were used as some form of teleportation device, between Earth and Mars?
This odd, cigar-shaped UFO was photographed here on Earth. We have come into possession of an image that shows the same type of object over the Martian surface. Explore our hypothesis that these lozenge-shaped craft act as immense tankers used to transport water to a dying, inhospitable world.
This unknown object is considered by some to be an extraterrestrial conveyance. One possible explanation is that they are used to transport water to Mars! Here's why..
A recent announcement by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has confirmed what uforc investigators already knew.. There is water in abundance on Marsl Possibly enough H2O to support life. Is there water present on the Red Planet? Here are some clues to get you started. See "Water water everywhere but is there a drop to drink?"
The USA has been sending probes to our neighboring planet for decades. These machines are marvels of modern engineering. Take a closer look at
NASA's latest probe that they call 'Rover.' Our files the slide show 'nasa reveals tricks o' the trade.'
Join us in our quest to find the truth about Mars,
What is NASA really hiding? The answer may surprise you. Please take a moment of your time to
read the credits, and more about the UFO Research Center. We welcome your input
at uforc.com